Bulgarii se prezintă azi la vot în cadrul alegerilor parlamentare anticipate. Urnele se vor închide la ora locală 20.00, iar rata de participare era la prînz de 25 la sută.
Foto: SOFIA, BULGARIA - DECEMBER 05: An activist protesting against government and police corruption carries a Bulgarian flag as he walks past the Bulgarian Parliament Building on December 5, 2013 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Restrictions on the freedom of Bulgarians and Romanians to work in the European Union are due to run out by December 31, though several EU leaders, including British Prime Minister David Cameron, are considering imposing temporary restrictions to cut the flow of Romanians and Bulgarians arriving in EU countries. Many EU nations have voiced concern over too many Bulgarians and Romanians arriving and applying for social benefits. Romania and Bulgaria are both EU members though their citizens do not yet receive the same rights as citizens of other EU nations. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Articol editat de Radio Resita,
26 martie 2017, 14:52 / actualizat: 26 martie 2017, 20:25
Este al 3-lea scrutin legislativ în ultimii 4 ani, în Bulgaria. Principalii favoriţi sunt formaţiunea GERB de centru-dreapta, a fostului premier Boiko Borisov şi socialiştii preşedintelui Rumen Radev, care promit îmbunătăţirea relaţiilor cu Rusia. RRA