Producţii record de păstrăv în Caraş-Severin
Foto: Mature rainbow trout struggle in a net at Harrietta Hills Trout Farm near Harrietta, Mich., on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006. An emergency order this week by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has banned interstate transport of 37 species of live fish from the eight states adjacent to the Great Lakes, due to viral hemorrhagic septicemia, VHS, which causes internal bleeding in fish. Jim and Dan Vogler have over 500,000 trout that they cannot sell, devastating their livelihood. (AP Photo/John L. Russell)
Articol editat de Gerhard Chwoika ,
27 iunie 2016, 15:00
Până la toamnă Direcţia silvică a judeţului Caraş-Severin are în plan să populeze apele de munte, avute în administrare, cu peste 30.000 de exemplare de puiet de păstrăv indigen, a mai spus Traian Roşu.
(Hardy Cvoica)